Monday, September 24, 2012

Here is a picture of Drew at a presentation he gave to astronomy club members at the Kensington Nature center in Novi Michigan last Saturday.

Drew flew on the last Hubble repair mission which is featured in the Hubble 3d movie. He also flew on the last mission of Endeavor which was STS 134. I posted a picture of that launch as I saw it in 2011 in an earlier blog post on this blog.

Below is the cross eyed 3d and cyan blue anaglyph version of the still I took with the Fujix W3 3d camera.

It was really fun to hear him talk about being an astronaut and all the things they do. He had a great slide show and presentation. I was so tired from all the volunteer activity that I actually started to fall asleep during that afternoon presentation. It was a sign I didn't get enough sleep before the second day of the Astronomy event.

I didn't spend time taking 3d photos of the event. I probably should have taken more photos and 3d shots of that event as it would have looked cool.

I was spending to much time setting up and helping out to take many pictures. I setup my solar projector Saturday which projected the sun and showed sunspots on a foam poster board screen. The sun being a 9.5 inch projected disk. I also setup my vixen binoculars telescope and showed views of Mars, the Moon and the double cluster to many visitors at the event.

Cross eye 3d above.

Anaglyph photo below.

Clicking on either photo will bring up a full sized image.

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Been very busy with the Astronomy hobby during the last week and it delayed editing progress

We had solar viewing at a local community college for two days.

Then Friday and Saturday we had Astronomy at the Beach at Kensington Metro Park in Novi Michigan. Those two events took a lot of time and energy. I volunteered and was there for long hours. It was cold Saturday night and Sunday I felt sick with a sore throat and a bit tired. So I mostly rested Sunday and didn't get around to editing the video.

I ended up doing a little reviewing of photos I shot over this weekend of a helicopter flying a camera at the Astronomy event. It was a remote controlled helicopter. That helicopter might be nice to have to get a flyover of certain events, but in an outdoor concert it would be too distracting with the sound probably affected the performance as well.

I'm feeling quite a bit better today and have some errands to run some cleanup to do around here and hope to get back to editing video tonight. Want to make some more progress and bring the handheld clips into the timeline.

below is a 3d photo of Shuttle mission specialist Andrew Feustel who gave presentations and answered questions at Astronomy At the Beach. He flew in the Hubble repair mission and also flew on Sts134 which was Endeavors last mission. I saw the Endeavor launch and have a 3d photo of it going up from where I was standing on the Titusville Florida bridge.

(cyan blue) 3d anaglyph photo below.

cross eyed 3d photo below

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Finished first rough edit mix of Farewell drifters.

Just the first three cameras, no handheld yet.

Will be doing fine adjustments next.

I ran into a slight problem, a real annoyance, and that is due to my rushing out to Cornerstone and not having enough equipment. I didn't have a Wind microphone cover for my digital recorder. Forgot to purchase one before the event and didn't fabricate up something on side.

Didn't notice any wind during the event and hoped that the microphones would not catch any. But for two or three of the first songs of the Farewell drifters I can hear the wind noise being added. Obviously there was a breeze of some sort and the Tascam dr40 picked it up.

I tried some digital eq inside media 100 to cut it down, but no settings would get rid of it. Will probably have to leave it in.

(I'll have to remember that for the next Cornerstone. . . Just dreaming for a moment.)

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Didn't do much edting today. Have about 25% of the video edit completed

Today I was fairly tired from a lot of Saturday observing. I was so tired, I didn't realize it was Sunday. I ended up wasting most of the day relaxing and recovering from the observing fatigue. I ate a couple of meals and napped a bit as well as ran some errnads. Decided to take a few photos and toy with them of a sunset in Belleville Michigan. I also tweaked a few photos mostly on the iPad and one photo of Jupiter in Photoshop today.

More info on my other blog about Astronomy. . .

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mailed off the Trace Bundy DVD.

Time to do some editing today. I've been doing so much astronomy lately I feel like a "poor weather editor" . . . Seems like I edit when it's cloudy outside.

Farewell drifters video editing to be resumed tonight.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I've been so busy observing at the observatory it's delayed my video edit project

Have the Trace Bundy DVD ready to ship, but I need to get digital assets together, meaning source video clips to include on separate media.

I've been opening up the observatory so much lately and doing star gazing so much, it's slowed down the process of editing.

For three days I observed and opened up the observatory. Last night I had it open from 3 to 6am to look at Jupiter and other objects, but mostly Jupiter and the Orion nebula. Orion rises early in the morning before the sunrise at this time of year. The nebula looked awesome early this morning. I felt like I could see faint color aspects in the gas cloud, but this after photographing it. It's difficult to say if my old eyes were really picking up color in the 14 inch telescope. I was looking at low power with the field reducer in. A c14 at f7 with low power would provide a very bright image, so hints of color may have been showing up with averted vision, but it also seemed to suggest faint color aspects with direct vision. I kind of wish I had a large dob with more light gathering power, something like a Newtonian with a 20 inch mirror to see if I could pick up direct color at 5am this morning.

I slept for a short time this morning and went to Hfcc fir "welcome back days" only to discover they may have been rescheduled. So I woke up early for no apparent reason. Ate lunch, chatted with a friend in the club then went back home to get another nap.

Here is a quick photo of the core of m42, the Orion nebula that I took through the c14 at f10 using a canon Eos t1i.

This was a fairly short exposure, perhaps 15 seconds at iso 3200. I don't recall the exact exposure length but I can look it up if someone wants to know.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

May redo the Trace Bundy DVD after reviewing it.

It looks like I forgot the title subtitle heading at the beginning of the video.

I'll review the DVD a little more to see if there are any other obvious changes that could be made.

Might delay the finished DVD being sent for a few days.

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ouch media 100 crashed during export.

I think it ran out of disk memory.

I didn't have enough free space on the internal drive. That's my guess.

Have to start the export process over again.

I'm clearing up 28 gigs of free space on the internal to start over. This will make the export delayed by another day.

I'm using very high quality exports so it takes about a day for the export.

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Closer to finishing Trace Bundy video.

I'm exporting the QuickTime master file.

Next after reviewing it I'll import it then create the DVD and mail it off to Trace. Trace Bundy will be playing in Michigan near the end of the year. I hope to catch that show which will be at Trinity house, God willing.

Had a lot of delays, but not due to the video editing process. Most of them was due to other projects, hobbies, etc.

Will move on to the next artist likely one of the bands that wrote me an email.

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