Drew flew on the last Hubble repair mission which is featured in the Hubble 3d movie. He also flew on the last mission of Endeavor which was STS 134. I posted a picture of that launch as I saw it in 2011 in an earlier blog post on this blog.
Below is the cross eyed 3d and cyan blue anaglyph version of the still I took with the Fujix W3 3d camera.
It was really fun to hear him talk about being an astronaut and all the things they do. He had a great slide show and presentation. I was so tired from all the volunteer activity that I actually started to fall asleep during that afternoon presentation. It was a sign I didn't get enough sleep before the second day of the Astronomy event.
I didn't spend time taking 3d photos of the event. I probably should have taken more photos and 3d shots of that event as it would have looked cool.
I was spending to much time setting up and helping out to take many pictures. I setup my solar projector Saturday which projected the sun and showed sunspots on a foam poster board screen. The sun being a 9.5 inch projected disk. I also setup my vixen binoculars telescope and showed views of Mars, the Moon and the double cluster to many visitors at the event.
Cross eye 3d above.
Anaglyph photo below.
Clicking on either photo will bring up a full sized image.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad